Recruitment Methods

Our Recruitment and Selection Policy sets the guidelines for attracting and selecting top talent. It covers all stages of the hiring process, from job analysis and posting to onboarding. This policy aligns with our commitment to anti-racism, diversity, equity, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
To reach a wide pool of qualified candidates, we employ a variety of recruitment methods. Our approach combines both internal and external sourcing strategies to ensure a robust talent pipeline.


1. Employee referrals: Encouraging current employees to refer candidates that are a best fit for actual needs.
2. Internal job postings: Advertising job openings within the company in order to promote most qualified staff within the company

1. Job boards: Posting vacancies on popular job search platforms
2. Professional networks: Utilising industry-specific platforms
3. Partnerships: Collaborating with educational institutions or industry associations to tap into networks

1. Engaging external agencies to assist with talent acquisition when specific expertise is required and by leveraging the expertise of external recruiters, companies can streamline the hiring process, reduce time-to-hire, secure talents, while focusing on their business.

Interviews and Assessments

We believe in a structured and comprehensive interview and assessment process, including:

Conducting behavioral and technical interviews to thoroughly evaluate candidates' skills, competencies, and overall suitability for the role is a critical part of the hiring process. Behavioral interviews focus on understanding how candidates have handled past situations, providing insight into their problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills.

Utilizing assessments, tests, and practical exercises specifically tailored to the job requirements is an effective way to evaluate candidates' skills, knowledge, and suitability for a role. These tools help ensure that potential employees possess the necessary competencies and can handle real-world tasks.

Ensuring interview panels are diverse and represent various perspectives is essential for fostering fair and inclusive hiring practices. A diverse panel brings different viewpoints, reduces unconscious bias, and leads to more balanced and objective assessments of candidates.

Interviews and Assessments Steps

7. Candidate Communication

All candidates, successful or unsuccessful, will be professionally notified of their application status. Upon request, feedback may be given. Communication with candidates will remain clear, respectful, and consistent throughout the process.

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8. Record Keeping

All application materials, interview notes, assessment results, and related documents will be securely maintained for a defined period as per our company's data retention policies. Candidate information will be handled in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

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Selection, Checks and Offers

Collaborating with relevant stakeholders to make informed decisions.

Evaluating candidates objectively based on predetermined criteria.

Documenting the selection process and maintaining confidentiality

Verifying educational qualifications, employment history, and professional credentials.

Requesting candidate consent and handling personal data in accordance with privacy laws

Using reputable sources and maintaining confidentiality throughout the process.

Extending job offers in a timely manner, clearly stating terms and conditions.

Conducting salary negotiations and benefits discussions professionally and transparently.

Ensuring clear communication with the selected candidate regarding next steps.

1. Application Submission
All candidates are required to submit their applications through our designated email address. Applications must include a comprehensive resume, cover letter (if applicable), and any other requested documents specified in the job posting.
2. Confidentiality
All candidate information provided during the application process will be treated with strict confidentiality and in compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations. Access to candidate data will be limited to authorised personnel involved in the recruitment process.
3. Initial Screening
The HR department will review all applications to ensure they meet the minimum qualifications and requirements specified in the job posting. The initial screening will be based solely on the information provided in the application materials. Candidates who do not meet the minimum requirements will be notified promptly and their applications will not proceed to the next stage.
4. Shortlisting
Shortlisting will be conducted by a selection committee consisting of HR representatives and relevant hiring managers. Shortlisting criteria will be established in advance and will align with the job requirements and desired qualifications. Candidates who best match the established criteria will be selected for further evaluation, such as interviews or assessments.
5. Interviews
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews and/or assessments as part of the selection process. Interviews may include behavioural, technical, or panel interviews, depending on the nature of the position. All interviews and assessments will be conducted in a fair, consistent, and unbiased manner.
6. Evaluations
Detailed notes and evaluations will be documented for each candidate during the interview and assessment process. Evaluations will be based on predetermined criteria established by the selection committee. Consistent evaluation methods will be used to ensure fair and objective assessments of each candidate.
7. Candidate Communication
All candidates, both successful and unsuccessful, will be promptly and professionally notified of their application status. Feedback may be provided to candidates upon request, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement. Communication with candidates will be clear, respectful, and consistent throughout the application and screening process.
8. Record Keeping
All application materials, interview notes, assessment results, and related documents will be securely maintained for a defined period as per our company's data retention policies. Candidate information will be handled in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.
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